Thursday, March 31, 2011
My Faery School House
Recently I discovered Terri Heinz' beautiful blog, Artful Affirmations, with her wonderful free video tutorials. I was instantly enamored of her Faery School House and set to creating my very own via her thorough tutorial.
I am so happy that my yard this year is resplendent with rich, Oregon moss, for I did not have to buy any moss in which to adorn my faery school. I have discovered a whole new world in which to explore, and Terri has led the way.
Enjoy visiting her!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Old & Good, My New Online Antiques and Collectibles Venue
Happy spring, everyone, for it is now the time for me to announce that I have started an antiques and collectibles selling venture. My new venue is what I affectionately call Old & Good. This offers me the opportunity to continue enjoying "the hunt". I will be adding new items often. I will be sending out a newsletter to my faithful followers this week. If you are not on my list to be notified of new offerings, just click on my Mail List link and add yourself if you so desire.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
More Signs of Spring
I went for a walk this morning, first thing, just around the block. The pink blossoms are just beginning to pop through on the tree by the church that is on the block behind ours. Many of the pink trees throughout the valley are already in beautiful bloom. This one is so pretty when it is finally bloomed, and it is a late bloomer.
A closeup of a lovely camellia tree in a neighbor's yard. This camellia is in a shady spot and therefore it too is a late bloomer, because most of the camellias in the area area already losing their blooms.
As seen below, a camellia in another neighbor's yard is beginning to turn brown, but oh how splendid it was!
And below is the beginning of some candytuft.
My columbine in its planter is beginning to creep forth.
The neighbor with the candytuft also has a forsythia beginning to bloom.
Here sits my Mad Hatter amidst much ivy.
Something purple from another neighbor's yard.
The Queen of Hearts among ivy and soon to be blossoming bluebells.
The neighbor with the candytuft and the forsythia has some pretty white flowers beneath her rhododendrons. There are two of them there, and each is a different color! So beautiful, and soon to be in full bloom.
And in my own back yard is this lovely white daffodil!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Moss & Daffodils
Here I go again, lauding the beauty of all of this rich, green, Oregon moss. Yes, I do love it. Of course, we do live in the only rain forest in the northern hemisphere, so it's best to actually make the best of what many do not care for; that being inclement, rainy weather, moss and lichens and gray skies throughout much of the winter. But this winter hasn't been so bad here this year.

I planted these pansies just the other day. I'm glad the extreme rain and wind have not caused them harm.
Just wanted to share the pretty moss. I do harvest some of it, dry it and keep it in bags for artistic use. I will show you one-of-these-days what I'm doing with it.
I'm sorry for all of you in the snowy climes where it has been horrid from what many of you have said.
Our "yard" is not a garden, as many like to call their yards. And it is a weird one, but we're happy here. We have an over abundance of bamboo, not much of which is pictured here, and of course the ubiquitous ivy that has become a problem in this state. Laurel and evergreen trees abound. You cannot grow a flower garden or a vegetable garden in this yard either, because the property was built on mass basalt. So we make the best of it in admiring the rich, green moss during the winter and spring.
When I spot a flower in this yard, I am elated. And we do have many lovely bulbs that keep multiplying. Here are some daffodils. I took these pictures a couple days ago. Today the daffodils are more resplendent as well as abundant, but it is very rainy today, so I'm not going out there to photograph any more.

Soon there will be bluebells that virtually carpet this entire property. I love that.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Sammy, Our Cat
Sammy used to belong to my son and his late wife. It was a little helter-skelter watching her as a kitten, for she got lost in the fray most of the time. Our son was off working hard at Intel, while our then DIL was in the process of dying, although no one suspected it. She was on pain pills that eventually destroyed her liver and kidneys, and so a month after her 30th birthday, she went into a coma, and two days later, died.

It was so worth that journey. Sammy is happy and content and very loving. Although she suffers still, just a wee bit, from the memories of two small children banging on "Kitty", and of course ultimately being stuck outside, alone. Occasionally the dog would be out with her, and she and he did get along, so at least she took comfort in his company.
Sarah is who named Sammy. I would never name a pet Sammy, because so many people use that name. I would have given her a more exotic name. But she answers to Sammy, and so she remains.

Meanwhile, Sarah had two babies to care for. Gregory was two years old on the same day as his mother's birthday. Lily was all of three months old. There was also the dog. And the two parakeets. When we would visit, we marveled at how disgusting and filthy the house always was, and why Sarah always wanted to be asleep on the couch with the tv area walled off so that little Gregory couldn't wander out of her reach. Had we only known, perhaps her life could have been spared. She was a very loving young woman. Nonetheless, we were the ones who saw to it that Sammy was spayed. We always loved that dear little tabby kitten and many times I would see to it that she was fed and supplied with fresh water.

Our son was very eager to find a mother for his half orphaned babies. It wasn't even a year when DIL # 2 entered the scene. She did not want Sammy to live inside, because she and our son brought into the world a new baby.
Cats love warmth and companionship. Poor Sammy had to live outside now. Well, my husband and I chose to ask for Sammy a few months after she'd lived solely outdoors, because our area had a serious stretch of extremely cold and icy weather. It was so treacherous outside the day we drove to get Sammy, that it actually took us two hours to get to what normally takes a half hour, and then with Sammy, back two more hours. And by the request of the law, we were among the very few who had ventured out that stormy night.

Sammy says Meow, prrrrrr....
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Pretty Pictures from Victorian Days
This beauty is an embroidered and appliqué piece from the early 1800's. I found it at The Oregon City Antique Mall a couple years ago. That mall closed down, but in a couple months the same building will become The Oregon Mall right here in Oregon City, just one block from my home. Mind you, we are the virtual end of The Oregon Trail.
Below is an amazingly gorgeous French picture where the clothing is beautifully sewn onto the picture. I happily found this one at an incredible estate sale in Portland's beautiful Laurelhurst neighborhood, many years ago.
Another found treasure at The Oregon City Antique Mall. This piece is a beautiful photograph right on the glass.
Below is a wonderful piece of petit point embroidery. I found this one at an estate sale.
And now on to my criss cross frames; that is, some of them. I love, love, love criss cross frames, and cannot resist buying them. I once said I do not really collect anything per se, but alas, it appears that I do, in fact, seem to collect criss cross frames. These are a mere handful of them.
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