This is Hattie. She is one of my pre-Greiner styled dolls, and she is not yet born. They're not born until the bodies are finished. There is yet much to do with her body, and so, there she sits in the time before birth...hence, no spirit occupies this body, yet.

Oh look at the shelf with the heads and the limbs. Much to do, and much joy to partake of.

My very large, beautiful Dolly, the Voit, whom I've named Abigail. Abigail is the size of an actual toddler. She sits so prettily wherever she goes.

My precious Hannah, another Greiner, is waiting for me to put her onto my website. She must be there for the others until 'tis time.

Another Abigail, waiting...And who is that on her lap? It's Claire, my little M&S Superior.

There sit two of my little wooden armed/legged poetry poppets.

And finally, who is this? She is a brand new addition to my line of reproduction, olden days dolls. She isn't even named yet. She will let me know in time.
Meanwhile, there are dolls to be designed dancing about in my mind. I do have fun!