I have stripped the girls and stood them all together (save for two who remain clothed in a cooler area), and it is because of the HUMIDITY, yes, you heard me correctly, humidity in western, Oregon. I tell you, it has NEVER done this before. I've know humidity in other states. I never knew any existed here. I once saw a humidity map of the United States, way back in the 1960's wherein it fully claimed that humidity that makes you feel the mugginess does not exist in the west. Well, since Mother Nature is going to town changing stuff, we're now getting that heinous kind of weather. The past three days have been dripping with it. Oh well. At least the vegetation does even better. Now for some exciting thunderstorms, fingers crossed, because I LOVE thunder storms, but we never get them here. And maybe next June we'll finally get some fireflies, for we don't have them here either, and I do love them. I have strung some flickering, solar powered sparkling lights in my garden to be my faux fireflies, and they are truly enchanting.
And oh yes, my stint at Thea's was intoxicatingly wonderful. (See previous post) And no, I did not take any pictures, because I always forget.
So that is the latest on this front.
I trust all is well and wonderful with all of you. It surely is with me!